Learning with Texts - Fork  2.10.0-fork
Learn foreign languages with texts
Namespaces | Functions | Variables
bulk_translate_words.php File Reference

Translate groups of words. More...




 bulk_save_terms ($terms, $tid, $cleanUp)
 bulk_do_content ($tid, $sl, $tl, $pos)


 $tid = $_REQUEST['tid']
if(isset($_REQUEST["offset"])) if(isset($_REQUEST['term'])) else

Detailed Description

Translate groups of words.

Call: bulk_translate_words.php?.... ... tid=[textid] ... Vocabulary from this text ... sl=[sourcelg] ... Source language (usually two letters) ... tl=[targetlg] ... Target language (usually two letters) ... term=[term] ... Term to translate ... offset=[pos] ... An optional offset position

PHP version 8.1

Variable Documentation

◆ else

if (isset( $_REQUEST["offset"])) if (isset( $_REQUEST[ 'term'])) else
Initial value:
pagestart_nobody('Translate New Words')
pagestart_nobody($title, $addcss='')
Definition: session_utility.php:4228