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Namespaces | Variables
wp_lwt_start.php File Reference

Start LWT with WordPress. More...




if(is_user_logged_in()) else

Detailed Description

Start LWT with WordPress.

To start LWT (and to login into WordPress), use this URL: http://...path-to-wp-blog.../lwt/wp_lwt_start.php Cookies must be enabled. A session cookie will be set. The lwt installation must be in sub directory "lwt" under the WordPress main drectory. In the "lwt" directory, "connect.inc.php" must contain include "wp_logincheck.inc.php"; at the end! To properly log out from both WordPress and LWT, use: http://...path-to-wp-blog.../lwt/wp_lwt_stop.php

PHP version 8.1

Variable Documentation

◆ else

if (is_user_logged_in()) else
Initial value:
header("Location: ../wp-login.php?redirect_to=./lwt/wp_lwt_start.php")