Learning with Texts - Fork  2.10.0-fork
Learn foreign languages with texts
Deprecated List
Global check_text ($sql, $rtlScript, $wl)
Use displayTextStatistics instead. Will be removed in 3.0.0.
Global check_text_with_expressions ($id, $lid, $wl, $wl_max, $mw_sql)
Since 2.10.0-fork use checkExpressions. It does not modify SQL globals.
Global do_ajax_add_term_transl ($wid, $data)
Deprecated in 2.9.0 in favor to the REST API.
Global do_ajax_show_imported_terms ($last_update, $currentpage, $recno, $rtl)
2.9.0 Use the AJAX API instead.
Global do_ajax_show_sentences ($langid, $wid, $word, $ctl)
2.9.0 Use the REST API instead.
Global do_ajax_word_counts ($textid)
2.9.0 Use the REST API instead
Global do_frameset_mobile_css ()
Since 2.6.0-fork, the display for mobile changed, making this code useless
Global do_frameset_mobile_js ($audio=null)
Since 2.2.1-fork, we do no longer use frameset
Global do_frameset_mobile_page_content ($frame_h_uri, $frame_l_uri, $right_frames)
Since 2.2.1-fork, Do not use frames
Global do_mobile_display_impr_text ($textid, $audio)
Global do_test_mobile_page_content ($property)
Use do_frameset_mobile_page_content instead
Global do_test_test_content ()
Since 2.10.0-fork, use do_test_test_content_ajax instead
Global do_test_test_css ()
2.6.0-fork Do not use this function since it was causing wrong display. Will be removed in 3.0.0.
Global do_text_javascript ($var_array)
Use do_text_text_javascript instead.
Global edit_language_form ($language)

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.checkWordChar

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.checkLanguageChanged.

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.multiWordsTranslateChange.

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.checkTranslatorStatus

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.checkLibreTranslateStatus

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.changeLanguageTextSize

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.wordCharChange

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.addPopUpOption

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.changePopUpState

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.checkDictionaryChanged

Since 2.10.0, use edit_languages_js.checkTranslatorType

Global get_database_prefixes (&$tbpref)
Since 2.10.0-fork, use getDatabasePrefix instead
Global get_imported_terms ($recno, $currentpage, $last_update)
2.9.0 Use imported_terms_header instead
Global getLanguagesSettings ($langid)
Use get_language_settings instead.
Global insert_expression_from_mecab ($text, $lid, $wid, $len)
Since 2.10.0 Use insertMecabExpression
Global insert_standard_expression ($textlc, $lid, $wid, $len, $mode)
Since 2.10.0-fork, use insertStandardExpression
Global insertExpressionFromMeCab ($textlc, $lid, $wid, $len, $mode)
Use insertMecabExpression instead.
Global echoTerm ( $actcode, $showAll, $hideuntil, $spanid, $hidetag, $currcharcount, $record)
Use echo_term instead.
Global get_server_data ()
Use get_server_data_table, will be removed in 3.0.0.
Global get_test_sql ()
2.9.0-fork Use do_test_get_sql instead
Global get_test_type ()
2.9.0-fork Use do_test_get_test_type instead.
Global getTextData ($textid)
Use get_text_data instead.
Namespace Lwt

2.9.0 Use AJAX REST API instead.

2.9.0 Use the REST API instead.

Since 2.9.0, it is recommended to use the REST API.

2.9.0 Use the REST API instead.

2.9.0 Use REST API in priority.

Use ajax.php with action_type=get_phonetic instead. Deprecated in 2.9.0.

Global Lwt::Ajax::Improved_Text::edit_term_interaction ($wordlc, $textid)
2.9.0 Use AJAX instead
Global Lwt::Ajax::Improved_Text::make_form ($textid, $wordlc)
2.9.0 Use AJAX instead
2.9.1-fork, will be removed in 3.0.0
Global mainWordLoop ($textid, $showAll)
Use main_word_loop instead.
Global my_str_getcsv ($input)
2.9.0 This function is no longer used and will be removed
Global new_expression_interactable ($hex, $appendtext, $sid, $len)
Use newMultiWordInteractable instead. The new function does not use global JS variables.
Global prepareStyle ($showLearning, $mode_trans, $textsize, $ann_exists)
Use do_text_text_style instead.
Global refreshText ($word, $tid)
No longer used, incompatible with new database system.
Global sentenceParser ($sid, $old_sid)
Use sentence_parser instead.
Global set_word_count ()
Use init_word_count: same effect, but more logical name. Will be removed in version 3.0.0.
Global texttodocount2 ($textid)
Since 2.10.0, use todo_words_content instead
Global textwordcount ($textID)
2.9.0 Use return_textwordcount instead.
Global update_default_values ($id, $lid, $_sql)
Since 2.10.0, use registerSentencesTextItems instead
Global word_parser ($record, $showAll, $currcharcount, $hideuntil)
Use item_parser instead (since 2.5.0-fork).
Global wordParser ($record, $showAll, $currcharcount, $hideuntil)
Use word_parser instead.
Global wordProcessor ($record, $showAll, $currcharcount)
Use sentenceParser and wordParser instead.